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Ansmann Powerjack 6-8 Trickle Battery Charger Tamiya 7.2v/8.4v/9.6v NiCd/NiMh

Part No: Ansmann-152100002

Price Including VAT: £9.99
Price Excluding VAT: £8.33

The Ansmann Powerjack 6-8 is a UK 3-Pin mains plug in battery pack charger for 7.2v, 8.4v or 9.6v stick type r/c car battery packs, suitable for use with NiCd or NiMH batteries with standard Tamiya connector fitted.  Suitable for batteries up to 3000mah.

Please note: Voltage outputs on chargers are usually slightly higher than the battery they are charging in order to charge the battery to its full capacity so the spec on the charger itself will usually not match the battery voltage it is designed to charge - this is normal.  

This charger does not stop automatically, you need to disconnect your battery after the appropriate charge time.

Never leave a battery charging unattended!!