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Pre-Owned Tested Etronix 2.4ghz 3-Channel Receiver Only (same as Absima R3FS) For SR2S/CR2S.V2 or Ansmann W5


Part No: Etronix-Used-Receiver

Price Including VAT: £8.99
Price Excluding VAT: £7.49

Etronix 2.4ghz 3-channel receiver only (same as Absima R3FS), for use with the Etronix transmitter style shown in the second picture (transmitter is not included) or the Absima SR2S, CR2S.V2 or Ansmann W5 transmitters, supplied as shown - no bind lead or instructions are included, you will need your own bind lead to be able to bind this receiver to your transmitter!

Please note that this is not compatible with all Etronix transmitters!

Please note that we have several of these so you are unlikely to receive the one shown in the picture.